Copywriting and Freelancing
COPYWRITING Copywriting is the strategy of creating persuasive content for Marketing and Sales with the goal of generating conversions and sales. Some examples are emails, websites, advertisements, catalogs and others. The professional assigned to write and develop the “copy” is the copywriter. A good copy is direct and internationally driven, good copy is directional to a particular sort of audience. Just like fishing nets. If you want to make a catch you don’t use the net made for cashing sharks for catfish. If not you will end up catching nothing. Like this six-word story, good copywriting tends to be concise. But great copywriting is also memorable, often because it plays on current events, gets controversial, or attempts something that has never been done before. It's copy that demonstrates the copywriter knows their target audience. Good copywriters, on the other hand, understand the modern world. They're knowledgeable about how consumers skim and read, understand the im...